Aaron Klimchuk’s C6 Avant

Aired Out, OEM Style

Aaron Klimchuk’s C6 Avant

AaronsC6 (14)

Aaron’s A6 Avant is an eye catcher, both in the way it sits and for what it does. The story of how Aaron found the car is also interesting, so we guess we should start there. Not only does Aaron work for Audi, but he also owns three himself, so as you can imagine he knows a thing or two about these cars. Work is exactly where Aaron first saw the A6, slammed out on the ground. As most of us know, a white C6 Avant is a desirable car. So when the older gentleman that owned it explained the Avant was a trade-in, Aaron became interested. The car was a mess and appeared to be lowered, on further inspection, Aaron realized the C6 was on Audi’s OEM adaptive air suspension. This sealed the deal for him, and the car became his new project. Artic white Avants are rare as it is, so for this one to have come from the factory with air, made the deal a no brainer. Aaron is the sort of enthusiast who doesn’t cut corners, so the avant was fixed that week at the dealer. He then began his search for wheels. Aaron had used Stance wheels in the past for his S8, so he checked their wheel line, and found a set of Stance SC7’s in matte gray. The wheels were a perfect fit for the Artic white car, so Aaron sealed the deal with a set of 20” by 10” after measuring everything a few times. (He really doesn’t cut corners) For tires Aaron went with Pirelli P-Zeros for grip. To lower the car, Aaron simply tricked the OEM module for a perfect ride height. The VAG-com mod being completely free is yet another perk of factory air. Even cooler, is the fact that the modification retains factory settings, allowing for the adjustment of the car’s height dynamically through the MMI screen.

I’ve always had a thing for RS honeycomb, so I found a RS6 replica grille I liked and installed it.

Aaron then turned his attention to the front of the car, opting to swap out the factory grille with an RS6 style one. The Honeycomb grille gives the car a perfect look, keeping within the OEM+ theme, while making an aggressive statement. To finish off the subtle exterior changes, Aaron removed and painted the side markers to color match. He then fit a European S6 Avant rear valence for dual tips. As for sound, Aaron likes loud, his B5 S4 runs open DP’s, so he needed to let the C6 be heard as well. His solution was simple and elegant. He removed the rear mufflers and finished of the exhaust with dual Flowmaster polished tips, making good use of the S6 valence. Having heard the car in person, we have to say the note is fantastic. Once Aaron gets into the gas, the note is pure sex. He plans on fitting an RS6 bumper or lip in the future, we hope he does. Aaron’s C6 Avant is the quintessential example of OEM+ done right. His carefully chosen modifications and relentless attention to detail has made the C6 a stunning car. We have attached a few lovely shots of the car below for your enjoyment. (With some luck, we may even get a shoot of his S4, another stunner as well) Aaron, what a fantastic example of OEM+, well done sir, well done.

-CA Staff

CleanAudi would like to thank Aaron for the opportunity to feature his C6, All photos used in this article are the property of CleanAudi, all rights reserved.

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